lunes, julio 23, 2007

Satirical magazine withdrawn for cartoon about Royals

MADRID - A judge ordered the withdrawal of the satirical magazine ‘El Jueves‘ for sexually explicit cartoons depicting the heir to the throne and Princess Letizia.

The Audiencia Nacional judge Juan del Olmo ordered the withdrawl of the latest edition of the magazine, which carries a front-page cartoon showing Prince Felipe and the princess in an ‘irreverant’ pose.

Police have been ordered to seize all copies of the magazine.

The editor of the magazine has been ordered to reveal the authors of the cartoon who could face charges under the Penal Code for offences against the Crown and up to two years in jail.

The cartoon related to the EUR 2,500 which the government is to give to couples who have children.

It shows the Royal couple having sex with the Prince saying: “Do you realise if you get pregnant this is going to be the closest I get to doing a day’s work in my life.”

The judge said the cartoon clearly “denigrated” the Royals and was “inflamatory”.

The court order may be widened to include any reference made to reproduction on the Internet.

[Copyright EFE]

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